Blog post written by,
Carolina Gaviria, LMHC, NCC, CEDS

This will be the first holiday season since the pandemic started in 2020 and many people are already feeling anxiety anticipating family members and friends making comments about their bodies and overall appearance. Some people coped during the months of quarantine, uncertainty and stress by emotionally eating. Others got so depressed and anxious that lost their appetite and therefore a lot of weight. Some even developed an eating disorder and now are struggling to normalize their eating patterns and mood. In both cases, weight and changes in their appearance was just the reflection of something deeper going on. The pandemic and the months of quarantine, working from home, and juggling kids being home schooled and bored, called for survival. Nobody knows what people had to endure during that time or how it affected them, what matters is that they survived and are now coming out. Let us make this holiday season about what matters: connection!
Making comments about people’s weight, bodies, sizes, and overall appearance can have a detrimental effect of them. You don’t know that person’s relationship with food and their body, they might be struggling with an eating disorder and actively restricting, binging and/or purging. Making comments about their body will only reinforce the voice in their head that is encouraging them to lose weight at any cost, putting their health at risk and isolating them.
If you want to compliment somebody, you can try saying:
· You're someone's reason to smile. I’m so glad to see you!
· You have the best laugh! You light up the room!
· You have a great sense of humor!
· You bring out the best in other people!
· You always know how to find the good in everything.
· I’m so happy you came! It’s always nice to have you around!
You will never know how positive words will affect somebody. After so many months of stress and isolation, loss and grief, a kind word, unconditional acceptance and a big hug will be the best gift for this holiday season!

CAROLINA GAVIRIA, LMHC, NCC, CEDS Eating Disorders, Addictions, and Trauma Specialist (EMDR Certified)
Please give me a call today for a FREE 30 minute phone consult at 561.305.2497, I’d be happy to provide more information about my services and discuss setting up a session! For more information about my services, you can also visit my website at or email me at I look forward to speaking with you!
Services available in English/Spanish and Online